Research Projects
The Explanatory Scope of Generalized Darwinism: Towards Criteria for Evolutionary Explanations Outside Biology
PIs: Philippe Huneman and Thomas Reydon
Funders: The German and French Research Foundations (€ 655,000)
Duration: 2020-2024
Team: André Ariew, Karim Baraghith, Hugh Desmond, Agathe du Crest, Martina Malković
The German and French Research Foundations (DFG and ANR) awarded Philippe Huneman and Thomas Reydon € 655,000 to investigate applications of Darwinian evolutionary theory outside the biological sciences. The project encompasses two teams, one led by Thomas Reydon at the Institut für Philosophie, Leibniz Universität Hannover, and one led by Philippe at the Institut d’Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences et des Techniques, Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne.
Agency and Agential Explanation in the Evolutionary Sciences
PI: Thomas Reydon
Funders: The John Templeton Foundation ($ 250,000)
Duration: 2022-2024/2025
Team: Thomas Reydon, Hugh Desmond
The John Templeton Foundation awarded Thomas Reydon around $ 250,000 to investigate the concept of agency and the structure of agential explanations in evolutionary thinking in biology and in non-biological areas of research. The project is a subaward project in the cohort program, Agency, Directionality, and Function: Foundations for a Science of Purpose, a $ 14,5 M interdisciplinary program encompassing 24 subaward projects. For more information about the cohort program, see here
Evolution and Social Science Group at the University of Missouri
The Evolution and Social Science (ESS) Group brings together scholars exploring the connections among the evolutionary and the social sciences, providing a venue to facilitate research, learning, and training.​